Wowzers! This past month has been busy... but the chaos of Summer vacation is about to come to an end. Lin is preparing for the inevitable return to school in two weeks by watching as many episodes of her Chinese soap operas as she can fit in her "busy" day and Ruby is bouncing off the walls with excitement for starting all-day kindergarten.
We had a major breakthrough with Lin this Summer! After returning from her week long adventure at camp, she asked for a Facebook account to stay in touch with her cabinmates. Hmmm. Overly-protective and cautious parents warning flags pop up! But knowing her same-age cousins already have FB accounts, we relunctantly caved-in and... it has been a blessing! She instantly reconnected with friends from camp, as well as kids from her school. It brought a smile to our faces to finally hear Lin laughing and running around the neighborhood with her friends. Last Summer, she just didn't have the confidence to initiate asking her friends to hang out.
Arriving early at Walley World! Oops... I meant Cedar Point! |
We decided to take the girls to Cedar Point for a week and it was a ball! That girl Lin has no fear... she would happily hop on the biggest, fastest and tallest rollercoasters at the amusement park and Ruby couldn't get enough of the "spinny rides" like the Scrambler and Tilt 'a Whirl!
Ruby and Mama riding the front seat on the Jr. Gemini! |
Time for Lin and Mama to ride the Woodstock Express |
Not gonna lie... there are some days I wish we had this at home! |
The view from our cottage at Cedar Point |
Ruby showing off the black eye she got at the water park on our first day of vacation. It didn't slow her down one bit! |
Isn't she a cutie?! |
Goofball |
The girls after riding the Tilt 'a Whirl for the countless time |
Dancing the night away! |
Taking a "quiet" stroll through Dinosaur Island! |
Cedar Point at night, a beautiful sight |
Getting ready to head home after a great time! |
Another crazy aspect of this Summer has been getting our rock band back together! We're called
Lisa Can't Sing (pretty cool, huh?) and it's been fun for the girls to watch their "Rock Star" parents on stage... mom singing away and dad pounding the drums! Here are a few shots from our latest gigs!!
Lin and friends enjoying the show! |
So there you go... a quick update as our Summer vacation comes to an close. It definitely ended with a bang! This week, it's Taekwondo testing for Lin, ice cream social at our adoption agency, back-to-school shopping and, most importantly early bedtimes... for everyone!