Monday, June 27, 2011

Word of the Day

The dictionary defines "surly" as:
irritably sullen and churlish in mood or manner


(And for good measure, the dictionary defines "churlish" as:
a lack of civility or graciousness; difficult to work with or deal with)


I define "surly" as:
 my 13-year-old daughter


It's days like yesterday that force me to remember that sometimes, you can't make it better. Sometimes you just hold your breath and wait for it to be blessed bedtime.

I also have to remind myself that she's being exactly what a 13-year-old girl is supposed to be -- downright surly sometimes. She's good at it.

And here's a special message to my mother: I apologize for all the times I was a surly teenager.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Lisa...I can SO relate!! I have a 13-year old, too.

    This is my second time with a teenage daughter, my oldest is 22. Things will get better!
