Monday, December 13, 2010

Daddy's Girl

Lin has been a big-time daddy's girl from just about the moment the two met each other. They are inseperable! They cook together. They watch kung-fu movies together. They play games together. They are just together all the time. It can be... intense.

About one-third of the time, I'm fine with it. They have a truly wonderful father-daughter relationship that is a joy to see.

About one-third of the time, I start to wonder what I'm doing wrong, that Lin doesn't want to hang out with me as much as she wants to be with Dave. But then I remind myself that she's got a Dad for the first time in her life and she is just in her glory. She spent too many years without a Dad and she's just making up for lost time.

And about one-third of the time I want to stand up and scream "Give it a rest!! We all get it! You love each other! It's getting on my nerves!!"

Yesterday was one of those days.

I had felt a cold coming on all day Saturday and by yesterday morning, I was down for the count. So I know this didn't help matters. But as I was laying on the couch, feeling rotten, while Dave and Lin had a screaming-loud tickle-fight, I decided I'd had enough. I took my book and went back to bed.

A few minutes later, who comes in the room? Lin. She brought her iP*d. She lay down next to me and just played games, quietly.

I guess maybe I am doing something right.

1 comment:

  1. I hope it is not inappropriate of me to
    question what is, or where is, the boundary
    regarding a pubertal daughter and a new father,
    spending so much time together and getting in
    "tickle fights". I know its ok at 3, but is it
    ok at 13? Is any thing like this covered in the
    adoption studies of older children? No personal
    judgement intended, but just askin'.
