Thursday, December 23, 2010

Throwing in the Towel

It goes against everything I think I know about parenting (which is very little) but I think I've got to throw in the towel and declare that Ruby is done taking naps. The child just doesn't fall asleep in the afternoons anymore.

And she's only 3! In my head, children should take an afternoon nap until at least age 5. I remember taking a
nap in the afternoon when I was in kindergarten, so that's what I thought all kids needed. But the fact of the matter is, Ruby just doesn't fall asleep. No matter how hard I try to get her to settle down and get sleepy, she pops right back up to play.

My new plan of action is to get her to play quietly in her room for awhile each afternoon. If I tell her she does NOT have to sleep, but that she still needs to have some quiet time, maybe that will work.

(Alright, let's be honest here... It's ME who still wants an afternoon nap every day!! I can't bear the thought of having to give up MY nap!! Waaaaaaaahhhh!!!!!!!)

1 comment:

  1. Hey Lisa,

    Grace hasn't taken a nap in almost a year and a half! She declared herself done, and proceeded to trash her room anytime I tried to get her to go to sleep! So, we are also a nap free home! ENJOY!
